the more I got involved in sports horse breeding the more often the question arose: how come that some stallions would rather be unheard of in some breeding areas, but then again be considered true heros in other areas?

to give you a few prominent examples:

Sir Shostakovitch - not necessarily considered a real plus during his time at the Holsteiner verband, but gaining true merits when used in the Trakehner breed.
same with Biotop: kind of neglected within the Westfalian breed but highly recognized amongst Trakehners.

it has to be subject to the specific breeding verbands and the genetic pool these stallions meet on when used here or there - a stallion can only prove himself as good or bad depending on the blood basis he meets on when used in specific areas. certain genes are strengthened or weakend to the positive or negative depending on other specific genes he meets on within a certain breed. that is how the same producer can be proclaimed a valuable contributor here and rather a destroyer (or negative enhancer) there.

substitutional for many other disrecognized stallions let me explain this to you by way of example of Coriall (Holst. by Cor de la Bryere x Capitol).
having celebrated some nice successes with my Shannon (by Coriall) I started to do some research - who is Coriall after all and what did he accomplish - if any? and why did he disappear from Holstein after only two years of breeding?

well, the latter is easy to answer:
he was of the wrong colour.

as a chestnut (even if liver chestnut) he was a classic example for being at the wrong place at the wrong time in Holstein.
so he disappeared to Belgium to the tiny country of the big Z-horses...
there he served as a breeding stallion before he was sold on to Latin America where he was competed successfully in international show jumping up to World Cup.
meanwhile his first crop grew up in Holstein from his brief area of producing and they proved their quality.

in Westfalia his son Coriallo was succesfully competing up to Grand Pric dressage with Petra Epping:
Albert Voorn introduced the lively Tnello Corona to the internatinal sports who later on became even more succesfull under Peter Wylde.
the most well known Coriallo-daughter however should be Candy, initially shown by Stefan Abt, presently a constant contributer to succes in internatinal show jumping and Championships with Alois Pollmann-Schweckhorst.
after all, the FN yearbook 2004 states eight out of only 40 of his registered kids having won a four-digit €-sum each, last year. the total winning sum of his entire crop (again: only 40 being registered!) should break the € 400tsd border this year.  

I found the most precious help and research looking for the influence of specific stallions (specially with respect to the Holsteiner breed) studying the detailed documentations by Otmar Beyer de Béhaux who I want to strongly recommand to everybody sharing a deeper interest in sports horse breeding with respect to refining blood. specially the article Vollblüter aus der Fundgrube (thouroughbreed from the repertory) has become my "bible" up until today. (these dcouments are available in french and german language at the respective HP)
in the case of Coriall it seems to have been the coincidental but -in retroperspective- mostly consistent cross of two most meaningful holsteiner refining bloodlines that performed the basis of his successful impact:  the genes of Sacramento Song xx and Cottage Son xx (grand-grandsire to legendary Capitol) and their respective cross would have deserved a lot of more recognition than what they were given back then. 

friends and disbelievers of the nowadays oh so omnipresent S-line by Sandro will find valuable reading material to cover the grounds and origins of the old Sacramento Song xx-blood with all its positives and negatives. today, this line -now reviving from hannoverian origins-  lives up to a true renaissance that even threatens to dwarf the dominance of the Weltmeyer-bloodlines. having matured to a perfect nick when meeting on the old Gotthard G-genes in Hannover
                             (Silvio by Sandro x Gephard
                              Sandro Song -sire to Sando Hit- by Sandro x Gephard
                              Sao Paolo by Sandro x Gephard
                              Welcome Sympathico by Sandro x Prinz Gaylord x Gotthard
                              Shutterfly -MMB- by Silvio x Forrest x Gardestern and many many more)
it is now Oldenburg that overcomes the international equestrian scene with this very S-blood spread by Sandro Hit. not really a coincidence, given the fact that certain Sandro Hit is known to be delivering dark offspring only and thus fully corresponds to the fashion trend of these days. a real trendsetter. but do these trend-buying customers know what they are really buying? these black and beautiful horses by no means derive from a dressage oriented bloodline. simply the majority of predominantly dressage-oriented damlines being crossed to the black beauty should be held responsible for this line to have become one of the most popular dressagelines of these days. Sandro Hit and the history of the deepest origins of this mainly jumping-oriented Holsteiner S-line - a story worth reading for any sports oriented breeder.

not only with respect to the Holsteiner bloodlines but specifically with respect to the major influence of refining blood as such to any of the european breeds of our presence the documents by Monsieur Béhaux contain most valueable information.

in order to now comprehend the misteries and confusions about the background of Coriall (and Sandro Hit...) I recommend to sit back, take glas of wine or beer -as you prefer it- and continue reading here ...

enjoy your studies!  
